Strawberry Oats From 8 months ¸1 portion ¸Making time: 5 minutes ¸6 heaped EL Holle oatmeal ¸200 ml liquid warm (100 ml whole milk + 100 ml water as half milk variant / 200 ml warm vegetable milk / breast milk) ¸Strawberries - or a fruit of your choice - cut into small pieces preparation Put the flakes into a glass, add the warm liquid, let it swell briefly and add strawberries ¸ungesüsst - natural sweetness from fruits ¸Consistency: soft, pulpy, stimulates chewing 💡Tip for older kids and adults: Who does not know them - the popular Overnight Oats. Stir in 3 teaspoons of agave syrup, close the glass and place in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning enjoyable. Mega easy, mega practical. 🇬🇧: Oats with hot liquid topped with strawberries or a fruit of choice.