Tips for An Eco-Conscious Lifestyle

There are lots of easy ways to live in an eco-friendly way. There are a lot of small changes that we can all make, which all add up to collective big changes. The team at Ulula has gathered together their own green “quick wins” and suggestions. Read on to find out more.

Eat organically

Organic food is better for the environment, for animals, and for you and your family! Choosing to buy and eat sustainably produced and chemical-free food is a big step forward. It’s a delicious way to eat, too! Take a look at our range of quality organic food, drink and snacks to whet your appetite.

Recycle as much as you can

Put a sign above your kitchen bin: “Do I really need to bin this?” Sort as much of your waste as you can into recycling, and in most areas, the council will dispose of it. Top tip: put a small recycling bin in your bathroom. We’re full of good intentions in the kitchen, but it’s all-too-easy just to bin the empty loo roll.

Keep it!

The easy availability of goods has made us a rather throw-away society. If we channel our grandparents and mend rather than discard, we’re being a lot more eco friendly.

For example don’t ditch a holey pair of leggings: mend them. Even if your skills aren’t up to Sewing Bee standards, they’ll still do as gardening or painting trousers. 

Make your garden a wildlife haven

Encourage wildlife by growing pollinators and having a more relaxed attitude to weeds and mowed lawns. The birds and bees will love it, and this abundance of little visitors will bring your garden to life. A verdant garden also helps to capture carbon! 

Grow your own veg

You don’t need to have a big garden or allotment to grow your own organic veg: easy-to-grow veg like chard will thrive happily in a pot. Even a few herbs makes a difference, and it’s a great project to get the kids involved with.

Compost food waste

If you have enough space for a veg patch, Future You will be delighted that Present You composted your food waste. Start a compost bin for all your veggie scraps (like apple cores and potato peelings), and you’ll eventually get a lovely rich mix to dig into your beds. 

Get a water butt

If there’s one thing we have had in abundance in the UK, it’s wet weather. Harvest this bounty by installing a water butt, which is a sustainable (and free) way to water your crops. Water butts are available for free in some parts of the country (check with your water supplier).

Eat a bit less meat

We now know that meat production is responsible for 60% of greenhouse gases from food production. You don’t have to go fully veggie or vegan; cutting down your meat consumption and buying from local organic farmers will make a difference.

Invest in reusable containers and bottles

There’s no need to use cling film or foil, buy plastic lunch boxes or get through endless plastic bottles of water. Invest in washable stainless steel lunch boxes and containers, and carry a refillable drinks bottle or coffee cup with you. Perfect for school, work and days out.

Green cleaning

Think about what's going down your sink, and switch to organic, safe and biodegradable cleaning products and accessories. Take a look at our selection of eco-friendly household and cleaning products here at Ulula.

Buy organic health & beauty products

Treat yourself to some gorgeous green beauty products, which are free from all nasties, and good for both you and the planet. Organic beauty products also make wonderful eco-conscious gifts.

Switch to washable from disposable

Eco-friendly menstrual care is getting better all the time, with washable period pants as well as organic pads and natural rubber cups. When it comes to taking care of your little ones, cloth nappies are brilliant, and if you need to use a disposable nappy, sustainable and biodegradable bamboo editions are a great option. Check out our eco nappies and wipes.

Keep your home cosy

We’ve all heard a lot recently about lowering our energy bills by keeping our homes warm in other ways. It may not be possible to install a heat pump boiler or reinsulate the walls; however, getting in the habit of just heating the room(s) we’re in can help, as can turning down the thermostats a bit. Invest in cosy throws and blankets for the sofa and bed for eco-friendly local warmth.

A lightbulb moment

Are all your lightbulbs LED? It’s worth checking, as LED bulbs cost far less to run, and they last a lot longer, too. Extra green points if you manage to teach the kids to switch their lights off…

Travel lightly

Changing your means of transport isn’t easy. However, we can all make conscious decisions to cut down on journeys (for example shop on the way home from work, lift share, or use an online service instead of driving). 

Choose sustainable fabrics

Be aware of “greenwashing” when you’re choosing your clothes and soft furnishings. Recycled polyester may sound good, but it still releases microplastics and can’t keep on being recycled. Choose natural organic fibres like cotton and linen, which are sustainably produced and biodegradable. Passing on clothes and buying second-hand is another good way to cut down on landfill.

Share your successes

Found a green lifestyle hack that works for you? Tell your friends! If they discover tumble dryer balls, organic nappy wipes and eco-friendly shower cream thanks to your advice, that’s one more household doing their bit. We’d also be interested to hear any eco-conscious lifestyle tips that you have.