SKU: SC29582

Demeter Beetroot Seeds - Tondo di Chioggia

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Tondo di Chioggia is a globe/oval shaped heirloom Italian beetroot variety with white rings in its bright red flesh. It has a mild, sweet flavour and looks beautiful grated in salads. The pattern tends to fade when cooked. The attractive dark-green leaves with ruby-red stems also have a mild flavour when raw or steamed. Beetroot are super easy to grow, tasty and full of goodness.

Info & Care

200 seeds

Sowing outdoors: Direct sow April - July. Make a shallow row about 1 - 2cm deep, and sow the seeds thinly, about 2cm apart. Cover with a little soil and water in. Leave about 30cm between rows. Sow a half-row of seeds every three weeks for a regular supply of beetroots from early summer well into autumn.
Beetroot can also be grown in containers: sow direct into the compost allowing about five seeds to a 45cm pot. 
Growing instructions: As the seedlings develop, thin them to about 10cm apart. Keep the soil moist to prevent them becoming woody. Beetroot can be harvested and stored over the autumn and winter by harvesting in autumn before the frosts start. Twist off the leaves and store in a frost-free place (completely covered) in sand.