SKU: SC20080

Organic Flower Mixture Seeds - Bees

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The more we can do to help our bees and pollinators the better. Bee mix contains a rich and attractive collection of herbs, flowering and scented plants loved by all nectar collecting insects as a food source. Fill a large container or sunny/half shaded patch of garden with the summery colours of blues, oranges and yellows with a collection that includes Borage, Buckwheat, Calendula, Cornflower, Corn Marigold, Dill and Phacelia. Phacelia is a beautiful plant beloved by bees and other beneficial insects including ladybirds and lacewings. Phacelia and buckwheat are also grown as green manures. The beautiful blue flowers of borage are not only a magnet for bees, but the flowers are edible and look beautiful in salads and decorating iced drinks and cakes. Dill is another favourite with bees and pollinators, as well as being a superb culinary herb.

Info & Care

Outdoor sowing: Sow in spring for summer flowering. Choose an area in a sunny spot, ideally with well-drained soil. To prepare for sowing, clear the area of vegetation in advance and cultivate the top 5cm (2"). There is no need to dig too deep as doing so would also bring potentially unwanted weed seed to the surface. Rake over the area to create a fine tilth and sow the seeds lightly on the surface. Lightly rake or tread in the seed. Do not bury the seed too deep as it may hinder germination. Keep moist.
Alternatively, you can sow direct into a pot or container. Fill your chosen container with either compost or a mixture of topsoil and compost, then thinly scatter your seed on top. Do not bury the seed too deep as it may hinder germination. Water well and keep moist. Plants may need thinning out if sown too thickly and can be moved to other containers. Germination rates may differ.
Growing instructions: Remove unwanted weeds as they appear. Pick or deadhead regularly to extent the flowering season. Height 30-80cm.